Lawrie Williamson – FRSA. RBSA. NDD. 1932 – 2017
He became a Major Exhibitioner’ at the age of 16 then to Nottingham College of Art, University of Nottingham and L’ecole des Beaux Arts Paris. Winner of both ‘Stanley Grimm’ and Cornellison prizes at the Annual exhibition of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

His subjects vary widely and are drawn from a wealth of experience and observation. The one common factor is light, a beery pub interior, launching a Curragh on the beach or views of the Grand Canal in Venice. Each is filled with a light of its own. He paints mostly in oils but also in watercolour and sometimes with pastels.

Lawrie Williamson established himself by painting memories of Nottingham and Derbyshire in the 1940’s and 1950’s. As well as studying at Beaux-Arts Paris with Arthur Spooner he also sketched with L.S. Lowry. Lawrie lived in Ireland and had been painting local Irish scapes and figurative paintings the style of which is unique to him and instantly recognisable.

Brian Sewell – Broadcaster and Art Critic “ Few if any, handle the medium of oil painting as well as Williamson
