Fine Art Valuation Service

Mona LisaOur aim is to provide you with an estimated valuation of your art. Whether for insurance or to buy & sell your item. We have a number of contacts covering various areas of art whether it be an original painting or a collectable limited edition/etching.

The service costs just £8.95 per painting.

How it works

Email a good quality photo of your picture/painting with any facts, i.e.

  1. Artist full name
  2. Title of artwork if applicable
  3. Picture size in inches or centimetres
  4. Close up image of artist signature
  5. Photo of the back as well as the front of the painting.
  6. Medium – Oil – Watercolour or other
  7. Contact us to arrange payment by Visa/debit card
  8. Receive your valuation by email within 48 hours

Note: Your photo size should be between 1000 pixels and 5000 pixels, and no more than 2mb.

Contact details here
